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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013

जो इन्सान दया करता हो वह धार्मिक है ,सेवा करता हो उसे धार्मिक मानना , जो व्यक्ति दूसरों से घृणा नहीं करता, सबसे प्रेम का व्यवहार करता हे उसे धार्मिक मानना ,जो व्यक्ति बदला लेने कीभावना से ऊपर उठ जाता है ,दूसरों को माफ करना जानता है , उसे धार्मिक मानना और जिस आदमी के अन्दर अपने आप संतुष्ट रहने की आदत बन गयी ,दूसरों की चीजों को देख कर पागल नहीं होता कि मेरे पास होनी चाहिये ,उसे समझना वह धार्मिक हो गया !.... |
jai Maa Vaishno Devi |
Shravan Month Mahima for 2013
Shravan Mahina, or Sawan Month, is one of the holiest Hindu months and is dedicated to Lord Shiva in North India. Shravan Month 2013 is from July 23 to August 21. Shravan Month is the fifth month in a traditional Hindu lunar calendar followed in North India. This calendar is followed mainly in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar and Chhattisgarh and other North Indian states. A month in these regions is calculated from the day after Purnima or full moon to the next Purnima. The year in the Hindi Calendar is Saka 2070.
The Mondays or Somwar in Shravan month is dedicated to worship of Shiva. People make it a point to visit Shiva temples on Sawan Mondays – The Mondays in the month are on July 29, August 5, August 12 and August 19.
Mangala Gouri Puja is observed on Tuesdays in Shravan Month.
Chaturthi Vrat or Sankashti Ganesh Chaturti in Shravan Month 2013 is on July 25. The Chandrodaya or Moonrise time as per North Indian calendars is 9:09 PM.
Shravan Month 2013 Krishna and Shukla Paksha
Shravan Month Krishna Paksha (waning phase of moon) is from July 23 to August 6.Shravan Month Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) is from August 7 to August 21.
Shravan Mahina Ekadasi Vrat in North India
Kamika Ekadasi – August 2, 2013Pavitra Ekadasi – August 17, 2013
Shravan Mahina Pradosh Vrat in North India
Som Pradosh – August 4
Som Pradosh – August 18
Shravan Amavasi in Hindi Panchang in North India
Amavasya is on August 6, 2013.The Amavasi begins at 1:32 AM on August 6, 2013 and ends at 3:20 AM on August 7, 2013.
Shravan Purnima Purnima is on August 21, 2013. The Purnima Vrat is marked on August 20.The Purnima begins at 10:21 AM on August 20 and ends at 7:14 AM on August 21.
Festivals and auspicious days in Shravan Mahina 2013
Hariyali Amavasya – August 6
Hariyali Teej – August 9
Kalki Jayanti – August 11
Nag Panchami – August 11
Tulsi Das Jayanti – August 13
Raksha Bandan – August 20
Shravan Month is also the first month in the Chatur Maas - four holy months.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Madan Gopal Garga's invitation is awaiting your response
Monday, July 15, 2013
Madan Gopal Garga's invitation is awaiting your response
Fwd: [Jai Mata Di] http://shribaglamukhi.wordpress.com/2013/07/14/bag...
Fwd: [Jai Mata Di] Leke pooja ki thali jot mann ki jaga li.....teri...
Friday, July 12, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
Sunday, July 7, 2013
shiv and parvati
|| Shiva with Parvati || Shiva with Parvati. Shiva is depicted three-eyed, with crescent moon on his head, the Ganga flowing through his matted hair, wearing ornaments of serpents and a skull necklace, covered in ashes and Trisula and Damaru are seen in the background. VAMANGE CHAVIBHATI BHUDHARASUTADEVAYAGAMASTAKE | BHALE BALA VIDHURGALE CHA GARALAM YASYORASIVYALARATA|| SOAYAMAM BHUTI VIBHUSHANAH SURA VARAMSARVADHIYAH SARVADA, SHARVAH SAVAGATAH SHIVAM SHASHINIMAH SHRI SHANKARH SHATUMAM || Meaning : That Lord Shiva who has on his left side Mother Parvati, who has Ganges and moon on his forehead, who has poison in the throat and cobras on the chest, such an omnipresent greater than the gods, Lord Shiva may protect me. Now, let us consider this scriptural form of Lord Shiva, with scientific view and see what does God want to preach the common people. WHY JAGDAMBA PARVATI IS PRESENT ON THE LEFT SIDE OF SHIVA Jagdamba Parvati is the form of power. Lord Shiva always keeps her on to his left side, because, he himself remains in a state of Tapasya (meditation). People and scriptures too, assume that the left part of the males is inauspicious and trouble-causing. Where as Parvati is the form of power and thus always auspicious. Hence, in order to destroy all the inauspiciousness and obstacles, Lord Shiva keeps Parvati on his left side. Besides, Lord Shiva is himself a form of inauspiciousness as : AMANGALYAM SHEELAM TAVABHAVATU NAMAIVAMAKHILAM | TATHAPI SMARTRINAMA VARADA PARAMAM MANGAMASI || Meaning : It is famous in the whole world that Lord Shiva is inauspicious, but a giver of all kinds of auspiciousness. Nevertheless, He is the giver of all kinds of auspiciousness for those who remember him. This virtue is because of Parvatis presence with him. Thus acting on the principle : NARYASTU YATRA PUJYANTE RAMANTE TATRA DEVATAH That is where the womanfolk is worshipped, the gods stays there, Lord Shiva preaches the same to his devotees, that if they respecta woman, all the inauspiciousness all the hurdles, would be removed automatically. WHY MOTHER GANGA ON THE HEAD The Ganges, the most sacred river in India, shows coolness, holiness and serenity. Lord Shiva holds her on his head, thus preaching the devotees that if they bear coolness, holiness and serenity in their head i.e. if they give up anger, envy and disturbance that haunts their mind they will achieve all kinds of perfections and successes. WHY THE NEW MOON ON THE FOREHEAD (चन्द्रशेखर) The moon is shinning but cool celestial body. Lord Shiva wears it on his forehead, thus preaching for peaceful mind and forsightedness. If decision is taken with cool peaceful mind and far sightedness, all the tasks will be completed successfully and an increment occurs in one's honour. MEANING OF POISON IN THE THROAT (नीलकण्ठ) When the Gods and Demons unitedly churned the sea, it was the poison that came out first. Seeing the lethal poison, both the gods and the demons got nervous and reached to Lord Shiva and prayed him to hold it. Lord Ashutosh (Shiva) agreed to their prayers and swallowed the deadly poison. That poison, however, did not reach God's stomach, instead it stuck in the throat turning it blue. Thus, holding the poison in the neck, Lord Shiva preaches that one should not contain poison in his belly for the other. It also means that one should not even wish ill for the others, leave apart doing. Speaking harsh words is however other thing, but one should not cultivate the feelings of envy and enemity for the others. WHY IS THE SNAKE ON THE CHEST? It is very strange that people are usually scared of snakes because these are poisonous creatures. In scriptures and in practical life, snake is given a name Kaala i.e. the death. But Lord Shiva bears snakes on his chest. Thus he preaches the people that if they do not engage their mind and intellect in the worship of God, death is always facing them. If you keep your mind and intellect busy in prayers and worship, even death can do no harm to you. Instead it would become a means to adorn you. The reason of having a snake around his chest is that, VISHASYAA VISHAMAUSHDHAMA, i.e. the best antidote for poison is poison itself. Hence to cancel the effect of the poison Lord Shiva has worn poisonous snakes around his shoulders. WHY IS THE OX THE VEHICLE OF LORD SHIVA? Scriptures assume the ox as an incarnation of Dharmraj as is mentioned in Parikshita Kaliyugaprasanga that Kaliyuga is killing the Dharma which is in oxen form.Sage Manu also writes : VRISHO HIBHAGAWANA DHARMASTASYAYAHKURUT ALUM | VRISHANAM TAM VIDURDE VASTASMADDHAMA NA LOPAYETA || Meaning: An Ox is a different incarnation of the Dharma god, whoever kills it must be taken as a sinner. Hence, one must not cause the disappearance of Dharma. Riding the Ox, Lord Shiva preaches the people that - DHARMO RAKSHATI RAKSHITAH Meaning: The protected religion protects the follower. Hence, follow the religious path, no shield is better than it. [telugutoranam.com] Third Eye: Shiva is often depicted with a third eye with which he burned Desire (Kāma) to ashes. There has been controversy regarding the original meaning of Shiva's name Tryambakam (Sanskrit: त्र्यम्बकम्), which occurs in many scriptural sources. In classical Sanskrit the word ambaka denotes "an eye", and in the Mahabharata Shiva is depicted as three-eyed, so this name is sometimes translated as "Having Three Eyes". |
Friday, July 5, 2013
Fwd: [Jai Mata Di] = सुप्रभात = आइये . . चलते है . . " श्री जगन्नाथ...