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Saturday, February 16, 2013

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26 divine qualities that a Human being should have

Chandan Kumar Nandy
26 divine qualities that a Human being should have

*sri-bhagavan uvaca*
*abhayam sattva-samsuddhir*
*danam damas ca yajnas ca*
*svadhyayas tapa arjavam*

*ahimsa satyam akrodhas*
*tyagah santir apaisunam*
*daya bhutesv aloluptvam*
*mardavam hrir acapalam*

*tejah ksama dhrtih saucam*
*adroho nati-manita*
*bhavanti sampadam daivim*
*abhijatasya bharata*

Lord Krishna begins by describing the 26 divine qualities: *1) abhayam* is
fearlessness due to the absence of anxiety which arises from the dread of
harm to the physical body or the prospect of losing what is precious. *2)
sattva-samsuddhih* is purification of one's existence and denotes purity of
heart consisting of pure goodness undefiled with the taint of passion and
ignorance. *3) jnana-yoga-vyavasthitih* means situated in the knowledge of
devotion resulting from discriminating the *atma* or immortal soul from
physical matter as the individual consciousness attains communion with the
ultimate consciousness. *4) danam* is the charity given to worthy
recipients from what one legitimately owns. *5) damah* is self restraint,
controlling the mind to be uninfluenced by sense objects. *6) yagna* is
Vedically authorised ritualistic ceremonies in propitiation and devotion to
the Supreme Lord Krishna exclusively for His satisfaction without any self
interests. This also applies to His authorised incarnations and expansions.
*7) svadhyayah* is devoted study of Vedic scriptures, knowing that they
alone teach the glories of the Supreme Lord and are the quintessence of all
that is spiritual. *8) tapas* is austerity and penance. Performing
expiatory activities is a duty for all human beings such as *Ekadasi* which
is mandatory fasting from all grains on the 11th day of the waxing and
waning moons. As well there are occasional expiatory activities such as *
candrayana* which are fasts synchronised with the cycles of the moon and
also *kricchra* which is extreme ascetic penance performed under very hot
or very cold conditions and *prajapatya* and *santapana.* Such activities
purifies an aspirant and prepares and qualifies them for devotion to the
Supreme Lord. *9) arjavam* is simplicity, straight forwardness to others in
thought, word and deeds. *10) ahimsa* is non-violence to all living
entities by thought, word and deed. *11) satyam* is truthfulness verily
speaking what is true that is beneficial to all beings. *12) akrodah* is
freedom from anger due to absence of resentment for others. *13) tyagah* is
renunciation of whatever is opposed to *atma-tattva* or soul realisation. o
*14) santih* is tranquillity, keeping the senses peaceful and impervious to
agitation. *15) apaisunam* is aversion to fault finding and slandering
others even if warranted. *16) daya* is mercy, sympathy for life, empathy
for the distress and misery of others. *17) aloluptvam* is absence of greed
for sense gratification. *18) mardavam* is gentleness and humility which is
appropriate for saintly association. *19) hrih* is modesty, the feeling of
shame at the thought of anything inappropriate. *20) acapalam* is
determination to remain firm against temptations presented to one. *21)
tejas* is radiance, luster. The illustrious proof of the efficacy of
spiritual practice. *22) ksama* is forgiveness. The absence of vengeful
feelings against those harmed by. *23) dhritih* is fortitude. The capacity
for righteousness while enduring great duress. *24) saucam* is cleanliness
both internally and externally to be spiritually worthy. *25) adrohah* is
absence of envy, non-interference in the interests of others. *26)
natimanita* absence of false ego, lack of desire for honour and prestige.

The divine qualities and nature are for those aspiring to activate their
divinity following the time tested eternal, divine ordinances and
injunctions as revealed in the Vedic scriptures by the Supreme Lord
Krishna. Their virtues of these 26 qualities are revealed by following them
and living them in this manner. The word *abhijatasya* refers to those who
were born with the divine nature destined to follow the divine path and who
are naturally in harmony with divinity.

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